Friday, July 24, 2009

In The Beginning......

Welcome to the Blog! I wanted to document the journey of our little bbq team that could. We were bit by the bbq bug and started competing in 2006. We decided to cook the American Royal Open as our first contest! We had no idea what we were doing and finished 199th overall. If I recall right, our pork entry finished 35th overall. Thanks to the available bbq forums and the kind cooks who post on them, we at least didn't make total fools of overselves. We've learned alot since then and are still on the long journey to obtaining that elusive grand championship.

There are 4 of us on the team. That really helps defray some of the costs when you can divide it by four. Brant, Darrin, Corey and myself have been cooking together since 2007. Originally Brant and myself cooked that first contest in 2006 with another friend of ours. Thankfully we added Darrin and his brother Corey and have formed a very solid team. It really makes a difference when everyone gets along and has fun doing it!